College of Education

Keep Working

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Keep Working - Business Continuity

A variety of circumstances might require staff to temporarily work remotely (online) with minimal notice: a severe weather event, increased absenteeism during a flu outbreak, a family emergency requiring your presence elsewhere, etc. This guide provides you with actions to take when making the shift quickly, and resources to support the transition.

Key Guidelines:

  • Prepare ahead of time, if possible. Make sure your laptop has all the software you need, or that you have a device that can remote to your desktop.
  • Stay in regular communication with co-workers and supervisors. 
  • If you have questions about something not working right, contact
  • Find a quiet, comfortable place to work, if possible. Try to minimize distractions. 
  • If you are using your desktop at home and you lose connection, try calling someone in the office to see if it needs to be turned off and on again. Surprisingly, this helps.

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