Your passion for education has brought you to Illinois. Here, you'll experience a research enhanced education that provides unrivaled learning and training for future teachers, researchers and policymakers.
Assistantships are awarded to select students admitted and enrolled for graduate study and are available in departments and operating units both within and outside the College of Education. Graduate students and advisers should be guided by the Graduate College Policy on Graduate Assistants.
Assistantships are work assignments for specified percentages of time, with duties determined by the hiring unit. Assistantship stipends are taxable. College of Education students can hold assistantships across campus - it is not required that you hold an assistantship in your home department.
Assistantships within the College of Education vary from 25%-50% FTE. For a student to receive an appointment above 50%, the advisor and employing faculty or staff member must make a request justifying the additional time above 50% and stipulate that the additional work will not impede the student’s progress toward his/her degree. Requests for exception should be sent to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Student Academic Affairs Office.
Information on tuition and fee waiver benefits for graduate assistants can be found in the Waivers' Section of the Graduate College Handbook. Graduate assistants are responsible for paying all other assessed fees except those listed in the Graduate College Handbook. Students holding an assistantship between 25% - 67% during the spring semester are entitled to an automatic tuition waiver for the following summer session.
Information on health plans for graduate assistants can be found at the Student Insurance Office.
Use the Invest with Confidence calculator!
We encourage all students to apply for financial aid. For more information on FAFSA and other opportunities, please see the Office of Student Financial Aid.
A sample of the various scholarships and awards offered by the College of Education are below. Nomination procedures vary by department.
Statistics are a special case -- we store them in a database, and then pull them out and generate a statistic block.
Information about our new podcast and where you can hear it.
Here's some information and resources for our recent graduates.
Education Psychology
Information about the Education Psychology department
Our faculty finder uses JavaScript to pull information from our faculty repository microservice based on criteria.
It takes that data and converts it to clickable cards from the toolkit (<il-clickable-card>).
The toolkit then takes the clickable-card web component and turns them into HTML that the browser reads.
"address": "329 Education (mail code 708)",
"biography": "
Kern Alexander’s current research interests include education finance and law. He has worked extensively as an expert in state school finance litigation. His work has been cited in law reviews, law journals, and appellate court decisions.
\nHe is the Editor of the Journal of Education Finance, distributed by the University of Illinois Press and Project MUSE, Johns Hopkins University Press.
\nAlexander has an ongoing research interest in elementary, secondary, and in higher education administration, finance, and law.
"biographydepartment": "",
"biographymain": "",
"citystatezip": "(UIUC Campus Mail) Champaign, IL 61820",
"department": "Education Policy, Organization and Leadership",
"departmenttype": "1-Academic Departments",
"email": "alexandr@illinois.edu",
"externalurl": "/faculty/samuel-alexander",
"externalurlwithpath": "https://education.illinois.edu/faculty/samuel-alexander",
"firstname": "Samuel",
"fullname": "Alexander, Samuel",
"fullnamefirst": "Samuel Alexander",
"highlight": null,
"image": "https://ed-resources-images.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/profile_photo/alexandr.jpeg",
"lastname": "Alexander",
"officelocation": "336 Education Building",
"order": 3,
"phone": "",
"title": "Excellence Professor",
"unit": "Education Policy, Organization and Leadership",
"username": "alexandr"
<il-clickable-card href="/faculty/samuel-alexander">
<img src="https://ed-resources-images.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/profile_photo/alexandr.jpeg" alt="" slot="image" />
<p class="heading" slot="header">Samuel Alexander</p>
<div class="faculty-description">Excellence Professor</div><div class="faculty-description">Education Policy, Organization and Leadership</div>
Samuel Alexander
Excellence Professor, Education Policy, Organization and Leadership
Adding custom information here.