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Policies & Procedures

Annual Evaluation of Academic Progress Review

In accordance with Graduate College policy, the College of Education conducts an annual evaluation of academic progress review of graduate students enrolled in degree-seeking programs. An annual review helps the student progress through the graduate program by allowing timely recognition of successes as well as timely identification of challenges. The successes help your advisors and departments to see areas in which they can further promote your recognition. The challenges enable them to pinpoint issues and concerns to your progress. Overall the annual review offers opportunities to highlight successes as well as to clarify expectations for academic performance and identify avenues for improvement.  For additional information, see "Why Conduct Regular Reviews of Graduate Student Progress?" on the Graduate College website.

The review is a multi-step online process. The student completes a self-report. The advisor reviews the report focusing on degree progress and student strengths and weaknesses. Online feedback is shared with the student but advisees are strongly encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor in person or confer over email at some point in the review process. If a student does not complete the self-reported portion by the posted deadline, a Departmental Advising Hold will be placed on the student's account, preventing future registration. In addition, the advisor will be unable to complete their review if the advisee fails to complete the self-evaluation. 

Timeline for 2025:

Students and faculty will receive an email from the Graduate Student Services Office with directions on accessing the online self-report system.

Friday, February 28, 2025: Deadline for Students to Submit Self-Evaluation

  • Upon advisee submission, advisors will receive an email prompt that they have evaluations ready for review and will be able to begin their evaluation.

Friday, March 28, 2025: Deadline for Advisors to Submit Evaluation

  • Upon advisor submission, shared comments will be available to the student.

Instructions for Graduate Students

In advance:

  • Have your resume/curriculum vitae readily available and up-to-date.
    You will be asked to upload a PDF copy of your resume/curriculum vitae.
  • Prepare to report information since the last annual review (for students beyond their first year) or since the beginning of your program (for first year students). 
    You will be asked to list publications, conferences, presentations and awards from the prior calendar year.  We understand that many of you are new students and will not have much to enter.
  • Be as specific as possible in entering data. 
    Avoid acronyms.  Use APA style to cite publications and presentations.  See:  Examples of APA style citation
  • Be thoughtful and honest in discussing benchmarks and future plans for academic progress.
  • Review this step-by-step tutorial on How to Complete your Self-Evaluation.

To begin:

  1. Go here:
  2. Sign in, if prompted.
  3. Click the "My Self-Evaluations" link. If this link is missing, contact the Graduate Student Services Office.
  4. Click 'View/Edit'.
  5. Complete the evaluation.
  6. You will click 'Next' to save your progress.
  7. If your Self-Evaluation is Incomplete, you will receive the below message on the next page:

  8. If your Self-Evaluation is Complete and ready to submit, you will receive the below message on the next page:
  9. When the self-evaluation is complete, check the final, 'My responses are accurate, complete and ready for submission' checkbox and click 'Save' to submit the evaluation to your advisor.

You may edit and save your self-review as many times as you need by clicking the 'Next' button at the bottom of the evaluation form. Once your evaluation is complete and sent to the advisor, you will be unable to make any further edits to the evaluation.

Questions should be directed to the Graduate Student Services Office.

Instructions for Advisors

  1. Log in to:
  2. Click the “My Student Evaluations” link.

    Within your list of students, there is a link to each student’s evaluation.  If this link is missing, contact the  Graduate Student Services Office.

                        Action Tab (first column) will say one of the following based on the status of the evaluation:

                                  View Student Details – Student has not submitted their evaluation.
                                  Review / Evaluate – Student has submitted evaluation; ready for advisor evaluation.
                                  View Submitted Evaluation
     - Both Student and Advisor have completed the evaluation.

  3. Click on 'Review / Evaluate' under Action Tab to complete your advisor evaluation.
    Advisors and co-advisors share the same access to the student evaluation; they do not complete independent evaluations.
  4. Click the 'My evaluation of the student is complete' checkbox when the evaluation is complete.
  5. Click 'Save' to submit. Any shared comments will be emailed to the student at this point.

Where to go for help

Questions should be directed to the Graduate Student Services Office.