College of Education


Outreach College Committees Units Awards

Communications Office

Photography & Video Services

Connecting you to resources for photography services and video production to meet your needs.

Does your College of Education unit have an upcoming event, a special project, or something that requires photography or video services? Email the Communications Office at with details about your needs.


While our office's resources are limited, we can make an appropriate recommendation based on the nature and scope of your project. The campus' Public Affairs Office has in-house photographers available for specific photo assignments and purposes, arranged by our Communications Office.

Additionally, the university contracts with several local photographers and videographers as approved vendors. You can view this list and other helpful photo databases and resources at the Public Affairs website.

If you do not have a professional, high-resolution portrait image available, the photographers in campus' Public Affairs can help for a nominal cost that can be charged back to your unit. Email Brian Stauffer at and Fred Zwicky at to schedule a studio sitting.

Video Production

Again, the College of Education has limited resources internally for video production, but we are here to guide you through the process. To get started, email both Communications and IT Partners with a brief description of your needs. We strongly recommend a lead time of 6-8 weeks for most video projects.