College of Education


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Communications Office

Downloads & Style Guide

Your resource for College of Education branding and messaging standards.

As brand guardians of the College of Education, the Marcom Office is your resource for marketing and messaging standards. The College's communications and marketing efforts follow University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign brand guidelines, set forth by the campus' Offices of Strategic Communications & Marketing (StratCom). Visit the StratCom website and refer to the guidelines for official campus and College color palettes, fonts, usage rules, and more when you create materials for your program or event. Always make sure to include the College's wordmark and appropriate contact information for your unit on your piece.

College Style Guide

The College of Education style guide includes instructions on appropriate layout, design, and use of the College wordmark, color palette, and suggested fonts for use in print and digital materials. It also includes a College-specific writing style guide and current messaging and branding campaigns. An updated College of Education style guide will be available in late 2024.


The College of Education logo, or wordmark, may only be used for official College business, including print, digital, and web placement. The College wordmark must remain in its original form and proportions and cannot be modified. The wordmark "GREAT MINDS THINK ILLINOIS" is a graphic element, not a typeface. Do not substitute a different typeface for the wordmark. Do not reposition or resize. The Illinois I Mark, Block I, and College wordmarks need to remain in the established proportions. 

Download official College of Education wordmarks: 

Please contact the Communications Office if you are uncertain how to use the College wordmark.

Power Point Template

The College of Education PowerPoint template may only be used for official College business.

Zoom Virtual Background Images

Download one of these College of Education themed images to add to your Zoom account, and represent Education at Illinois wherever you log on.

Digital Certificates and Badge

If you have a course or certification in need of a digital certificate or badge, these branded templates can be adjusted to your needs. Provided by StratCom.

Research Poster Templates

Download research poster templates, provided by StratCom.

Flier Templates

The College of Education flier templates (Microsoft Word files) may be used for official College business. To request a custom template for your unit, please fill out this request form.


Printed and digital letterhead exist for the College of Education and its departments and units, for official and approved use only.

All printed correspondence via letterhead viewed by external audiences must use the official watermarked bond paper available from Document Services. The watermark of the university seal in the bond paper of the printed letterhead certifies to the recipient that the document is an official university communication, a requirement for some grants and legal issues. 

Digital letterhead may only be used for email, internal campus communications, and faxed correspondence. The creation of digital letterhead has been automated by Document Services and is available for all College of Education units. Contact your unit's office manager or the Dean's Office for your unit's digital letterhead.

Headers and Footers

Nametag Templates

The College of Education nametag template for Microsoft Word on Avery labels may only be used for official College business.