College of Education


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Communications Office

Publicize News & Events

Inform the College, campus, and community.

The Communications Office produces and maintains news and announcements for our audiences, in both print and digital formats. Please send any questions to

College Announcements

The College of Education Announcements Blog is a tool for sharing announcements with College of Education students, faculty, and staff. To post, simply click Post an Announcement at the top of the page. The Communications Office moderates and approves all posts. Each week, a list of recent announcements will be emailed to all faculty, staff, and students in the College. This blog is for announcements only; events should be submitted to the online College Calendar.

The Weekly College Announcements E-Newsletter is sent out every Wednesday afternoon to all Education faculty, staff, and graduate and undergraduate students. News that could be shared within the Weekly College Announcements should be submitted to the Announcements Blog or emailed to the Communications Email by EOD on Tuesday.

The Update is a weekly email sent to undergraduate students only every Thursday afternoon. It is a communication directed by the Student Academic Affairs Office. Events or news that are relevant to the undergraduate audience can be emailed to the Communications Email.

College Events

To post your event or program to our online calendar for publicity and attendance, submit this online form. You will be asked to log in with your Netid and AD password.

College News

The Communications Office reports on faculty, student, and alumni news at the College's website. Share your news or submit a news story idea via this form. To read recent headlines, bookmark this link and check in daily.

Digital Signage

The Education Building has multiple digital displays (north lobby, south lobby, O'Leary Learning Center, third-floor lounge, and the Zola Coffee Bar) used for environmental graphics and imagery and to promote College-level events and announcements. 

Messages posted on these screens must be relevant to a wide audience and only be for official university or community partner events. 

Any requests for digital signage should be directed to the Communications Email. To be displayed on college screens, digital signage must be 1920 x 1080 pixels. Please include start and end dates and a .JPG image of your digital sign.