College of Education


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Communications Office

Social Media

The College of Education at Illinois is on several social media platforms. The Communications Office monitors and maintains these sites.

    Education Hashtags

    Using hashtags helps ensure your message is seen by others who are searching for information on a specific topic. Hashtags are also used to identify events, people, movements, and organizations and are frequently part of brand identities and advertising campaigns. View our hashtags.

    Tag us in your posts, too!

    Social Media Statement

    The social media sites represented on the College of Education at Illinois homepage are monitored and maintained by the Communications Office. We encourage our community to be part of the conversation and add comments, links, photos, and videos on those sites. All postings and comments should be relevant to the College community, are reviewed, and are public.

    By posting to any of the College's social media sites, users understand and acknowledge that this information is available to the public and that the College may use this information for internal and external promotional purposes. Please note that other participants may use posted information beyond the control of the College of Education at Illinois. Users who do not wish to have the information they have made available via these sites used, published, copied, and/or reprinted should not post on the social media sites.

    While creative and inventive postings are most welcome, if you wouldn’t share your comments with your family at a holiday dinner, you shouldn’t post them here. We will remove any inappropriate postings that contain insults, personal information, illegal suggestions, attacks, commercial advertising, unsolicited self-promotion, SPAM, or solicitations. Comments posted on those sites do not represent the opinions of the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

    Links to content or other Internet sites should not be construed as endorsing the organizations, entities, views or content contained therein. The College of Education at Illinois is not responsible for the content of those external websites.

    Posting on College of Education Accounts

    The College of Education prides itself on sharing relevant info with our broad audience via social media channels. These accounts have become a vital part of our communication strategy. 

    We are always looking for high-quality content to share with our audiences. However, we don't always see everything that is shared. If you have information that you think would be relevant to the College of Education audience, please send it to Please make sure that the item you are sharing is timely and of general interest to the whole College of Education audience.

    Please keep in mind that the College of Education has a social media content schedule, and we may not be able to accommodate all requests.

    Social Media Accounts & Pages for Departments, Units of the College

    The Communications Office has amassed a broad, interactive, diverse, and responsive online following through the College's social media channels. We always challenge units to ask important questions when creating new social media accounts. Who is your target audience(s), and are they already following the College broadly? What are you trying to accomplish that cannot be done via campaigns through the College's social media accounts?  

    When starting down this path, we have the following recommendations:

    • Prior to launching a social media presence, communicate with the Communications Office for best practices, teamwork, strategy, and more.

    • Consider the day-to-day needs of communicating with a following/audience. We don't recommend starting a social media profile unless you have dedicated time to keeping it active and dynamic. If you do, create a maintenance plan and assign the appropriate student or staff time to fulfill the plan.

    • Identify the College of Education and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Name and/or the About section of your social media account or page. It's important to identify your affiliation with your home institution.

    • Provide a web address for your unit in the About section for your account or page.

    • Read and adhere to the Social Media Best Practices provided by campus Strategic Communications.

    • If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Orion Buckingham, social media specialist, in the College of Education Communications Office.

    College Units also maintain social media profiles on various platforms. These are managed by unit personnel, not the College Communications Office. Please contact the individual unit for information on these accounts.

    Curriculum & Instruction

    Education Policy, Organization & Leadership

    Educational Psychology

    Special Education

    Questions? Please contact the Communications Office.